Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hope is the belief that the future holds something good.

I've been learning about hope lately. The theme seems to be everywhere. Movies, books, sermons, songs, blogs...they all speak to me about hope. I need to hear it. I need to be reminded about hope. That God has things in store for me. That He has good plans. That I'm included.

I have so many dreams for the future. Sometimes they seem out of reach. Sometimes my hope dims. Whispers in the dark say that nothing's ever going to change. Lies. Hope is truth. God's truth. 

I want to be a filmmaker. I want to direct movies that will touch people's hearts. That will reveal truth when Hollywood is so consumed by lies. That will speak hope in the face of overwhelming doubt.

My friend Graeme says that films are about escape--an alternate life. The hope that there is more out there than what we see and experience first hand. The hope that we can be more if we just dive into another world than the one we know right now.

I think that all films give hope. Most attempt to make us hope in the wrong things. Popularity. Partying. Being cool. Adventure. Finding the perfect lover. Etc.

I want to make films that will point out the right thing to hope in. The only thing we can hope in is God. Because only He comes through every time. Love, sacrifice, kindness, joy, peace--these point us to the God of Hope (Romans 15:13).

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It's funny how we think we can treat symptoms without addressing the root of a problem. This is as true in the case of physical ailment as it is in emotional and mental stress. 

I had a conversation with a friend recently. I brought a list of all the things bothering me in our relationship. I wanted to treat symptoms. I wanted to ignore the root. I was afraid if I admitted the root then I would have to deal with more problems. That I would be hurt. The conversation went nowhere. It was useless, until I was honest. Until the root was exposed.

I didn't expect to feel this calm. I didn't expect to feel so free. I feel peace again. I've stopped worrying. I've stopped thinking too much. 

God is good. He is faithful, even when we are faithless. He does exceedingly, abundantly above. Again and again. And I am so thankful.