Sunday, April 26, 2009


Eight Questions on creativity...

What is your personal definition of creativity?
Creativity is connecting with the heart of God. Understanding that part of His heart that took great care and joy in creating the world. It is entering into the work of God and co-labouring with Him. It is worship.

What is/are your favorite form(s) of creativity?
Film, music, writing, graphic design, and photography.

What inspires you most?
Other art. Something I read will inspire a painting, or a song, or a film idea. I'll see someone else's photo and wonder "how did they think of that?", then I'll try to expand the idea and shape it into how I would have interpreted the same scene. Old jazz and blues music. Vintage clothing. Old books. God's artwork--the sky painted at night or a mountain with whispy low cloud at the peak or the silhouette of a gnarled tree against the sky.

What kind of environment do you like to work in?
One where I am alone or at least undisturbed. I like music to be playing, either worship or Miles Davis. If I am writing, I like to have a coffee or me crazy but I feel more "writerish" that way :) The area must be neat and organized or I get overwhelmed and distracted. I like lots of colour. Basically, it has to be an artistic, organized, hospitable and inviting atmosphere.

Who is/are your creative hero(es)?
Alfred Hitchcock. Joni Mitchell, Johnny Cash, Brandon Flowers, and George Harrison are a few of the songwriters that I admire. Walt Disney and the many 'Imagineers'...seriously, Disneyland is one of the most well designed places I've ever been. Everything is a visual treat :)

How do you apply creativity to your daily activities? OR How do you cultivate creativity?
I am constantly on the lookout for inspiration. I read, I check out new music, I see new films, I go for walks with my camera. I crochet...sounds weird, but it helps me focus and think. I try new things.

How can the church apply creativity in daily life?
Be willing to try new things. Be stretched. Explore new possibilities in worship. Try journaling or drawing for a quiet time instead of reading a daily devotional. Interact with God. Ask Him how He wants you to be creative today. Honour artists in the church and celebrate the gifts God has given them by giving them more opportunities to truly use their creativity...and I'm talking about more than doing posters and teaching songs to kids...dynamic, creative ministry in ways that break out of the traditional way we do creating a space where people can come and be creative and then holding outreaches in it, like open mic nights. A place that cultivates relationship and creativity and doesn’t threaten people by feeling “churchy” or like they are “projects”.

Give one practical creative tip that has helped you most.
Being creative is a discipline. There is a stereotype that artists are lazy, disorganized people who sit around pondering until inspiration hits them, then launch into manic fits of creativity until the project is complete. This is untrue. Artists do tend to think differently than other people and they can be quirky or unorthodox; BUT that doesn't mean that creativity comes just by waiting around. If you want the gift of creativity that God gave you to grow, then you need to discipline yourself to use it. You need to steward it and glorify God through it by proactively looking for inspiration, not wait around for inspiration to smack you upside the head.