Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I am overwhelmed by the concept of grace. It is something I have heard of my entire life, and yet the revelation of it continually surprises me. First and foremost I am undone by the ultimate example of God's grace--the cross. Secondly, I see in so many aspects of my life that grace extends "exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can ask or imagine" [Eph. 3:20].

I see the goodness and grace of God in the midst of my weaknesses, insufficiencies, and failings. I see it extended to me, despite my disobedience. God is good. He is "faithful, even when we are faithless" [2 Tim. 2:13]. He is "full of compassion and grace, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth" [Psalm 86:15].

I cannot add any more profound thoughts than what is revealed in scripture about the character and nature of God. The idea that Almighty God would reach down and provide salvation for wicked, rebellious humanity is unthinkable--and therein lies it's beauty. God is surprising. His love is not logical, in human terms. The idea that He continues to shower love and extend grace to me, in the midst of my stubbornness and independence...there are no words, only repentant tears when the reality of His love for my unworthy self overtakes me.

It is the revelation of God's love and grace for me that is teaching me the love and grace I should have for others. It does not excuse my failings, but it freely forgives them. It knows no limit. God does not cease to love me should I blow it "one too many times". This love and grace--oh, how I wish to extend it to others, as Jesus has to me. Often, I am so closed. I offer my love and grace conditionally, as long as people do not abuse my trust in them.

I just need to get over this fear of having my heart broken. God's really been speaking to me about taking risks with my heart...how it's not necessarily a bad thing. Jesus risked so much for us because He loved us...He continually offers His love even when we fail, and hurt, and reject Him. How can I do any less?

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