Saturday, March 29, 2008

Birthdays--letter to myself on the occasion of my 21st birthday (March 23)

Birthdays are a big deal. God chose a specific day for you to enter the world. To remember and celebrate that day is to worship Him and rejoice in the plan He has for your life.

Believe me, God has big plans for you. They may be big in the world's eyes or they may not. It doesn't really matter--they are big plans because the Infinite Creator dreamed them up!

Remember the things He's been teaching you. Cling to them. Set up a memorial to remember this time in your life. You'll never have this time again--as much as you wish for it to end.

Do not despise the season the Lord has you in. Rejoice in it, embrace it, learn from it, and look forward expectantly. Trust that new, good things are just around the corner. Trust that they wouldn't be as good if you didn't have to walk through today.

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