Saturday, March 29, 2008

Courage--Originally written January 10, 2008

"It takes courage to grow up and be who you really are."--e.e. cummings

I have been reading Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis. It is a fantastic book. It has not been paradigm shifting or anything, just a refreshing challenge to understand why I believe what I believe. 

The end part focuses on how, if we allow Christ to transform us and strip away our old nature to make us more like Him, we do not lose our own identity; but rather, we become more truly who we were created to be. I think that surrendering our own will to His is one of the most courageous acts we can carry out in this life (hence the quote...), because it is a continual process. It does not happen once but must be repeated every morning--"not I, but Christ" must be our attitude upon every waking.

It is the paradox of this crazy journey: "To save your life you must lose it."

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