Saturday, March 29, 2008


My heart hurts today. I'll spare you the details...let's just say it was an emotional day and I took some things on myself that I should not have. I get myself too involved in things. I give my heart away too easily and I get hurt. The other person didn't mean to. They didn't even know they broke my heart. It's not their is mine.

I want to live my life unguarded. I want to live transparently and to love without reserve. But when do I hold back? I have lived so long with walls around my heart. I want to let people in. I love to love people. I live for it now. I just wish they loved me back sometimes. It's not just in a romantic is more than that. 

I hate living with secrets. I value honesty so highly...perhaps because I have lived with so many lies for so long. But I find myself living with a secret yet again. I wonder sometimes if it really is true that there are some things better left unsaid...if I could have things my way I would always say what I feel when I feel it. But I live in the reality that people will be hurt if I am 100% honest. I am silent...I suppose you could call it wisdom. I call it a lie.

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